Winter always does good things to me. But it's playing games, the bitch.
Anyway, there Is a nip in the air, and that's always a good thing. I think it takes me round about ten days in the city to want to leave for a holiday again. I have at least about three more years to spend in the city. That gives me about 150 weekends, and on a very very realistic note, i plan on taking At least one holiday a month. So that's about 35-ish holidays, which is a good number. A weekend break to Shankarpur is included as a holiday ( which i'm sure is going to be repeated often ).
But. It's been sometime since i've had a local holiday. We used to do this pretty often, where we would get up on a local train early in the morning, cut a ticket ( i know it's a weird thing to say, but a ticket kaato sounds So much better than a ticket khareedo ), hop onto a local train and just get off at a station which looks and/or sounds nice. I remember i once took a trip to a kanchrapara Just to see how it would be, and it ended up being a breathtakingly pretty little town. Anyway, often, they would end up being the most amazing experiences, with fields which extend to the horizon, and ponds in which one could bathe, and not amazing, but authentically local food and sweet people who would never ask you why you were there, but would just stare at your camera and smile. These train stations also would sometimes look fantastic, completely barren except for the random train which arrived every half an hour, and a tea stall with a guy who would go and get some water after you've asked him to make tea. Often enough, the places would suck too. Or it would turn out to be too hot, and walking randomly when you're burning and sweating isn't always All that adventurous. Or you would realise after you've gotten down at a place that there are elections which are taking place and it's very risky to be there at the time. So then, if you didn't like it, you'd hop onto a running train and get off somewhere else and keep doing that till it was sufficiently late to take the ride back to the city.
And the body used to ache and pain like shit once you were back. But that's also when you realise the worth of a sound night's sleep the most. Which in itself, can often be worth everything.
And yes, winter's coming, so it shall definitely happen again.