and Yes, it's snowing where i live. It really is. I'm not kidding.

March 11, 2010

Lataguri watch tower.

There was a terribly pretty pathway which led to it, paved with elephant shit every here and there. In itself, it wasn't a particularly impressive structure, half-broken down, and with huge trees all around it. It also overlooked an unbuilt resort and a huge patch of grass where dogs fought. So much for a watch tower in a forest.

But once you Entered the watch tower, you would realise the Shit it actually was. From "i love my india" scratched painfully across the wood, to "Sasi is good girl" engraved with an air of righteousness, there were amazing things covering Every square foot of the place, the floor, the roof, the stairs. Everywhere.

If this ruddy site let me upload more photos in peace, it would much help the cause. But since it won't, here's the one which took the cake.


Aditi Roy said...

don't blame the site. blame your internet connection.

Anonymous said...

Ah, it's disgusting when people do that. Especially the someone-loves-someone else, drawn with hearts and everything.