and Yes, it's snowing where i live. It really is. I'm not kidding.

November 4, 2010

So I got out of a comedy exam and bumped into Sion outside the union room. He had seen me before the exam too, and asked how it went, and i told him that i thought there was a Random-ass question.

"The first act is ingenious, the second is beautiful, and the third abominably clever." Comment on the plot structure of The Importance of Being Earnest with reference to the critic's views ( or something on the lines of that ). You know, What KIND of a question is that.

To which he replies saying, "Actually, i don't know about the plot structure, but i can definitely comment on the critic. He's homosexual."

I'm quite a Sion fan, i must say, and things like this just make me feel better about it.

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