Walk, smile, stop, run.
Run for the life inside you, as fast as your heartbeats can take. Not the feet, not the road, not the mind, not the world which flashes by in the inside of your eyelid.
Run till your throat runs cold, Run till that spot on the left of your stomach just above your waist stops paining because it’s too used to pain. Run till you can hear your heartbeat pounding on the palm of your foot.
If the world doesn’t get you, don’t breeze past. Get the world instead. Look past the shiny billboards, into the black sky. Take all the traffic noise, the halogen lights, the smelly armpits, the office hours, the monsoon muck, the mother’s screams, the power cuts, the smashed cell phone, and run.
Till you can’t.
Then walk. Smoke a cigarette. Smile. Stop. And run.