and Yes, it's snowing where i live. It really is. I'm not kidding.

March 17, 2010

Today, somebody called me 'intense and creepy'.

And then someone else called me 'a little sad boy from inside.'

Both were very serious. I have still not recovered.


Arijita said...

jotto shob baaje otha. :P

Tui GOOnda.

Arijita said...


Bone said...

Why can't the two coexist, Mr. Rahman the Junior? Even the three.

Aditi Roy said...

not intense. just creepy. :)

Priyanka said...

So now that you've posted this we'll all tell you how wrong both descriptions are and make you feel better. I think both descriptions are wrong, safdar. You're just Munnu.


The Girl With The Broken Smile said...

I believe what i had said was that you are a sad little man on the inside...and maybe I am completely wrong...But i got you all freaked out about it...Yay!

Safdar said...

@bone- ofcourse they can.and wait,i haven't heard someone call me that in quite a while.who be you?!

@adt- i could have Bet you would say that. :)

@priyanka- too bad,but i'm hardly munnu either.vikrant Looks like chunnu.i hardly do.and i've already confirmed with everyone, they agree too.

Anushka said...

Wasn't it Sreejata who said both? Either way, it was a wonderful moment. Also, I have to take your side here- you're not a Munnu.

Anushka said...

And I see you've been trying to compensate for the loss of froggie dearest. Not a bad attempt, I say.

Dipabali said...

Ei.... I said 'intense and creepy!' Dont give Sreejata all the credit! And I still stick by it. And considering the fact that I meant it as a compliment, you should be happy about it.

Monidipa said...
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Bone said...

Pinning down identification is bad. Aren't you an actor, Mr. Rahman the Junior? All these adjectives you spin in and out of. Allow me a few names of my own.

Aditi Roy said...


this is exactly the type of stalker-esque thing I'd do.


Safdar said...

it's all cool 'bone', as long as you can deal with people calling this stalker-esque. :)

Safdar said...
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Bone said...

I shall try, I shall try. And here I thought I'd won the lady's approval! Such procuring is not to be slighted, Mr. Rahman. 'Tis rare and precious, and mayhaps not to be bestowed twice? :-D