and Yes, it's snowing where i live. It really is. I'm not kidding.

November 15, 2010

The shrinking penis disease.

So now, it's confirmed. It's true.

Three of Pathak's maids told him about a disease which is doing the rounds of the villages around calcutta where for the males the penis, and for the females the breasts are suddenly shrinking in size. I laughed it off, obviously, telling him that it's okay, everyone thinks it's bigger anyway, so one person thought that it Just happened, and hence everyone joined in to make themselves feel better. But then the next day i heard about the same disease from three friends in Entirely different friend circles, and all of them drew the line back to the maid at Their place.

Now google tells me that it's happened in Gurgaon too.

There are conflicting opinions, however, on what the cure is. While some believe you need to apply chuna on the ears and the neck, some believe you need to immerse yourself in a pond ( or any body of water) for a couple of hours.


Priyanka said...

My (non-)cook told my mother the same story, only in addition to immersing yourself in water you can apparently go to a doctor "je tene-tene baar korbe".

Puff said...

OMG. You're so funny!

Safdar said...

@both- :|

though i still can't believe you're called Puff. it breaks my heart a little.

Puff said...

Why so?